Relax, this is not going to hurt
We know that some people can experience anxiety around certain dental procedures. The mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen, also known as "laughing gas", has been used to reduce the anxiety and pain involved in dentistry and medical procedures for decades.
With inhalation sedation, you will inhale this mixture through a small mask before your procedure. You will be able to see, hear and respond to what is going on throughout.
Find out more by contacting our Earlwood Dental Centre.
What Else Do I Need to Know?
Inhalation sedation has no negative side effects and you will be able to drive yourself home from your appointment and return to normal activities immediately once you leave the clinic.
This treatment can be used with any of our procedures, even those which are not usually experienced as painful, in order to treat anxiety around the visit.
Our team of dental professionals are fully trained and certified to use inhalation sedation and will assess in which cases it is appropriate.
We do not recommend inhalation sedation for women in the first trimester of pregnancy or anyone with respiratory problems.
Please contact us if you would like to know more about this procedure.